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Showing results [15 - 24] / 74
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  • Authors: Natalie Kuhlman; Božana Knežević (1925)

  • TESOL International Association developed these guidelines for postsecondary institutions, government agencies, ministries of education, and other entities charged with developing professional teaching standards in an EFL context. TESOL encourages teachers, administrators, policy makers and anyone else who needs these guidelines to use, adapt, and distribute them freely. As the authors point out...

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  • Authors: Nha T. T. Vu; Anne Burns (2014)

  • The development of English as a medium of instruction (EMI) is of great interest to language and language policy researchers in an era of globalization and internationalization. Despite recognition of a number of implementational problems and constraints, EMI has been widely introduced into various non-native English-speaking (NNES) countries.

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  • Authors: Sanjay Kumar Jha (2014-03)

  • Viewing the growing demands of ELT practitioners for high-level English language teaching (HELT) and low-level English language teaching (LELT) in native as well as non-native countries, the number of ELT courses is outnumbering day by day. Unlike yesteryears, we are privileged today with a number of ELT courses such as TESOL, ESOL, TESL, TEFL, TEAL, DELTA, CELTA, and many others at certificate, diploma, master, and PhD level.

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  • Authors: Martin Wedell (2022)

  • English language teaching practices in many countries and contexts are subject to frequent change as innovation is introduced to reform teaching and learning practices...

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  • Authors: David Nunan (1991)

  • Chapter One: An Empirical Approach to Language Teaching Methodology - Chapter Two: Communicative Approaches to Listening Comprehension - Chapter Three: Speaking in a Second Language - Chapter Four: Reading: A Discourse Perspective...

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  • Authors: Chris Campbell (2014)

  • Second Life is an online virtual world that is three-dimensional and uses rich graphics that allow the user to be engaged in this environment. There has been a significant increase in people using this virtual world and those conducting research in it in the recent past. This research study analyses a project where pre-service education students accessed Second Life as part of a 4th year elective course.