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Showing results [21 - 30] / 74
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  • Book

  • Authors: David Nunan (1991)

  • Chapter One: An Empirical Approach to Language Teaching Methodology - Chapter Two: Communicative Approaches to Listening Comprehension - Chapter Three: Speaking in a Second Language - Chapter Four: Reading: A Discourse Perspective...

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  • Article

  • Authors: Chris Campbell (2014)

  • Second Life is an online virtual world that is three-dimensional and uses rich graphics that allow the user to be engaged in this environment. There has been a significant increase in people using this virtual world and those conducting research in it in the recent past. This research study analyses a project where pre-service education students accessed Second Life as part of a 4th year elective course.

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  • Article

  • Authors: YANG Hong (2008)

  • How to acquire a second language is a question of obvious importance to teachers and language learners, and how to teach a second language has also become a matter of concern to the linguists’ interest in the nature of primary linguistic data. Starting with the development stages of second language acquisition and Stephen Krashen’s theory, this paper puts forward teaching strategies: analyzing learner characteristics, signing classroom contracts, creating learner-centered classroom, setting language goals, integrating theory with practice and building learner motivation.

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  • Article

  • Authors: Richard R. Day (2013)

  • The purpose of this study was to determine if peer observation (PO) in an ELT practicum for graduate students led to reflective teaching. The 15 students in the practicum taught EFL at two universities in rural Thailand in eight-week intensive courses. Five questions were investigated: (1) Did PO help the students engage in reflective teaching? (2) What were the students’ reactions to PO? (3) Did the students modify their teaching behaviors or practices because of PO? (4) Did the students change any of their teaching beliefs because of PO?