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Showing results [39 - 48] / 74
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  • Article

  • Authors: Stephanie W. Cheng; Chih-Wei Kuo; Chih-Hua Kuo (2012)

  • With increasing diversification of research, a research article depends much upon the title to encapsulate its distinctive content. The present study aims to examine the syntactic structures and functions of research article titles in applied linguistics. Using a corpus of 796 titles from four journals that are included in the Social Sciences Citation Index (SSCI), we identified five syntactic structures, namely, compound, nominal, full-sentence, V-ing phrase, and prepositional phrase.

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  • Book

  • Authors: Vivian Cook (2008)

  • 1: Background to second language acquisition research and language teaching - 2: Learning and teaching different types of grammar - 3: Learning and teaching vocabulary - 4: Acquiring and teaching pronunciation...

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  • Article

  • Authors: Zeinab Karimian; Mohammad Reza Talebinejad (2013-05)

  • Translation has long played a controversial role in English teaching and learning. It has been largely ignored as a valid activity for language practice and improvement. On account of this matter, although, most language educators are completely against the use of translation in language classrooms, nowadays, this perspective is changing and more and more professionals have believed the facilitating role of the first language in ELT. On the basis of this matter, this issue has been discussed in applications of language pedagogical methodologies.