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Showing results [49 - 58] / 74
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  • Authors: JoAnn (Jodi) Crandall (1996)

  • Teaching is life-long learning, or at least it needs to be. No matter how effective our teacher preparation programs, we, as teachers, must be pre­pared to continue our professional development—through reading and reflec­tion; active participation in workshops, institutes, or conferences; or a variety of coaching and mentoring activities—so that we can continue to meet the in­credible challenges that we face on a daily basis in our classrooms.

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  • Authors: E.I. Dmitrieva (2015)

  • Teaching in a non-English-speaking environment is an urgent and challenging area. Its increasing importance is based on the global status of the English language. All over the world, English is included into the curriculum of sec-ondary, high and higher school. When given choice students in Russia tend to choose the English language (e.g. at MCPU the graduate course of the Cross-Culture communication has the following devision...

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  • Authors: A. Suresh Canagarajah (2006)

  • This overview delineates the direction of pedagogical developments since the 25th anniversary issue of TESOL Quarterly...

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  • Authors: B. Kumaravadivelu (2006-03)

  • This article traces the major trends in TESOL methods in the past 15 years. It focuses on the TESOL profession’s evolving perspectives on language teaching methods in terms of three perceptible shifts: (a) from communicative language teaching to task-based language teach-ing, (b) from method-based pedagogy to postmethod pedagogy, and (c) from systemic discovery to critical discourse.

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  • Authors: Brian Tomlinson; Bao Dat (2004)

  • This article reports a survey of 300 intermediate-level EFL adult learners’ views about the instruction they receive and of 15 of their teachers at the National University of Vietnam in Ho Chi Minh City. Its main focus is on how learners can contribute to ELT method-ology.