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  • Authors: Galina Kavaliauskienė; Lilija Anusienė; Viktorija Mažeikienė (2006)

  • This paper is an attempt to exemplify how weblogging can raise learners’ language awareness and prepare them for communication in the networked world. The research aimed at the investigation of applying innovative techniques for written and oral communication in English classes. An exploratory study of using a variety of ICT activities at tertiary level was conducted. Class experiences of creating weblogs for learning purposes and using them for online activities with university students who learn English for Specific Purposes are described.

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  • Authors: Brian Paltridge (2014)

  • This paper discusses characteristics of a “good research project.” It also discusses strategies for developing a research proposal. This includes suggestions for how to choose and focus a research topic as well as how to refine a research question. Details to include in a research proposal as well as the very specific areas that a research proposal needs to address are discussed.

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  • Authors: Cristina Vischer Bruns (2011)

  • 1: Why Read Literature? - 2: From Words on Paper to an Object in Transitional space: Reading for the Formative Use of Literature - 3: Recent Conceptions of Literary Education and Their Potential Impact on Students' Formative Use of Literature - 4: Toward a Literary Education Conducive to the Formative Use of Literature

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  • Authors: Kevin R. Parker; Joseph T. Chao (2007)

  • Wikis are one of many Web 2.0 components that can be used to enhance the learning process. A wiki is a web communication and collaboration tool that can be used to engage students in learn-ing with others within a collaborative environment. This paper explains wiki usage, investigates its contribution to various learning paradigms, examines the current literature on wiki use in edu-cation, and suggests additional uses in teaching software engineering

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  • Authors: Gulcin Nagehan Sarica; Nadire Cavus (2009)

  • As it is used in communication, internet communication tools began to use in education especially in English language learning. New trends technologies have supplemented English teaching in authencity and literacy such as reading, writing, speaking, and listening skills of students. English is the only valid language that can be understood by everyone all around the world. Students learn faster and easier than before because of the use of technology in schools. If they are trained during their school years, they have the chance of becoming experts in technology. It is proved by the researches that have been done; early beginnings are always beneficial.

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  • Authors: MONASH University (2014)

  • 1. Introduction - 2: Purpose of a Proposal - 3: Components of a Proposal (structure) - 4: Aspects of academic writing -5: Facilitating your writing process...