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Showing results [13 - 22] / 101
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  • Authors: Nguyễn Đăng Mạnh (2000)

  • Sách có 2 phần - Phần một: "Lý thuyết" nói về khái niệm, ý nghĩa, sự vận động, biến đổi, phát triển của tư tưởng nghệ thuật; Phần hai: "Nghiên cứu phân tích tác phẩm và dựng chân dung một số nhà văn hiện đại" như Hồ Chí Minh, Nguyễn Công Hoan, Vũ Trọng Ph

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  • Book

  • Authors: Thomas Leitch (2007)

  • Most books on film adaptation--the relation between films and their literary sources--focus on a series of close one-to-one comparisons between specific films and canonical novels. This volume identifies and investigates a far wider array of problems posed by the process of adaptation. Beginning with an examination of why adaptation study has so often supported the institution of literature rather than fostering the practice of literacy, Thomas Leitch considers how the creators of short silent films attempted to give them the weight of literature, what sorts of fidelity are possible in an adaptation of sacred scripture, what it means for an adaptation to pose as an introduction to, ra...